Step 4: Add shapefiles to QGIS.
- In QGIS, either go to Layer / Add Vector Layer from the Menu bar or click the Add a Vector Layer button directly from the toolbar (The button is a graphic of a plus sign over a vector layer).
- The “Open an OGR Supported Vector Layer” window opens
- Use either the “Look in” drop down menu or double-click on “My Computer” to navigate to your “Simbavaria_Shapefiles” folder
- Add the districts, roads, rivers, and cities SimBavaria shapefiles to QGIS.
- Notice that the graphic scale bar displays in the upper-right or left hand corner of the Map Window, and that the map scale displays at the lower-right hand corner of the Map Window. To change the position of the graphic scale bar, go to Plugins / Decorations / Scale Bar.
- To arrange layers within the Legend, simply click and drag layers. Arrange the layers in the following order: Roads, Rivers, Cities, and Districts.
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