Step 3: Convert feature classes in Simbavaria geodatabase into shapefiles
Unfortunately, QGIS does not recognize the feature classes stored in personal geodatabases, only shapefiles. Therefore, you must create shapefiles before you can load them to QGIS. - Start ArcCatalog. Navigate to where your SimBavaria personal geodatabase is located.
- In order to create shapefiles from feature classes stored in a personal geodatabase, you must first create a new folder to which you will store the shapefiles you are about to create. To do this,
- Choose a location where you would like to store the shapefiles and then right mouse-click New / Folder.
- Name the folder “QC_SimBavaria”.
- Display ArcToolbox.
- Go to Conversion Tools / To Shapefile / Feature Class to Shapefile (multiple).
- Add the districts, rivers, cities, and roads layers.
- For the Output Folder location, navigate to your “QC_SimBavaria” folder and click Add.
- Click Okay in the Feature Class to Shapefile window.
- Close the status box when the tool has finished running.
- Using the Feature Class to Shapefile conversion tool has created a single shapefile for each corresponding feature class.
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