Viewing the Data... attempt 2

To solve this problem, one must convert the feature class file into a file that QGIS will read. One QGIS supported format is an ESRI shapefile. Using ArcCatalog, one can easily convert the file and then reopen it in QGIS.

Start ArcCatalog and navigate to your folder where you have been storing your files for this project using the Convert to Folder icon in the upper left corner. You must create a new folder to store the shapefile you are about to create. Choose a location where you would like to store the shapefile and right mouse click New>Folder. Name the folder "Road_OS".

Open ArcToolbox. Expand the various items under Conversion Tools and notice how many different options are available for interoperability between files. Navigate to Conversion Tools>To Shapefile>Feature Class to Shapefile (multiple).
