Step 8: Add a Delimited Text Layer
- Go to Plugins / Plugin Manager.
- Make sure “Add Delimited Text Layer” and “ScaleBar” are selected. Click Ok.
- Click the “Add Delimited Text Layer” button.
- When the “Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File” opens, make sure you choose your “QC_SimBavaria.csv”.
- Make sure that the Delimiter field contains a comma (add one if it doesn’t!) as this is the character that separates your latitude and longitude values.Click Parse.
- In the X field, make sure you choose Longitude.
- In the Y field, make sure you choose Latitude.
- Click Add Layer.
- Leave QGIS open and the layers added and symbolized according to the previous steps for the next part of the assignment.
- Close delimited text file box.
Deliverable 2: Screenshot of SimBavaria and Google Earth coordinates in QGIS.
Previous Step

Start the next part of the project